Thursday, February 17, 2011

Introducing your 6-8 month old baby to solid foods - Get ready for the fun and the mess!

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If your 6 month - 8 month old baby is just starting solids at this stage, start out slowly, preparing a tablespoon sized portion of whatever food you have chosen to begin with. Nurse or bottle feed first and then offer your little one solids.
Milk continues to be more important than solids at this age.

Some parents begin offering their babies solid foods by using their (clean and washed) finger as a spoon. They say that this helps their babies take to solid foods because the "new" spoon and the "new" food all at once seem to confuse baby.

Read our Solid Food Chart for the 6 month old - 8 month old baby below:

solid foods for the 6-8 month old baby

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AGE & STAGE - 6 months to 8 months old

The AAP recommends that an infant not be started on solid foods until after 6 months of age. Many pediatricians still start babies on solids around 4 months of age. This chart accommodates all ages and stages up to 12 months.


Try mixing together the grains that your baby has had without any reaction(s).


Begin making your own fruit combinations once baby has had several fruits without any reaction(s). After 8 months old – you may wish to try offering raw ripe fruits. Soft cooked fruits make for great beginner Baby Finger Foods; Learn about Introducing Baby Finger Foods.


Veggie combinations are great to offer now. Ensure that all veggies have been previously offered without any reaction(s) prior to mixing & matching. After 8 months old – you may wish to try offering soft cooked veggies in dices or tiny chunks and bits. Soft cooked veggies make for great beginner Baby Finger Foods.


Once your baby has reached 8 months old, try offering tofu finger cubes dusted with Cheerio “dust” or other cereal “dust”. Many pediatricians are now recommending Meats as first foods due to the Iron content - ask your pediatrician.


Around 8 months old, you should be able to offer plain whole milk yogurt and mild cheeses. Mix some yogurt with a favorite fruit puree for a breakfast offering Visit our Offering Your Baby Yogurt page for more information on introducing Yogurt and Cheese.

The above chart is a general guideline with solid baby foods that are age appropriate. Our charts/guidelines are somewhat conservative in nature compared to guidelines from other sources. We show age-ranges for different foods and we have researched and compiled these charts from various medical authorities such as private pediatricians, the AAP, the AAFP and the WHO. Feel free to print the chart and ask your Pediatrician about the listings and recommendations. Our visitors say their pediatricians are impressed with our Chart's suitability and accuracy of listings.

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