Monday, March 7, 2011

How to Teach a Baby to Talk

Each day your baby is learning new things and you are there to see every blessed moment. Those new babbling sounds may not seem like much in the way of language, but if you listen with a sensitive ear, you will hear your baby trying to imitate sounds that you make back to you. Here is how to encourage baby's natural instinct to communicate.


    • 1
      Let your baby lead the way. Most experts agree that you can push intellectual learning too fast which may result in emotional or even physical problems like stuttering, which is the opposite of what you want to accomplish. If the baby seems frustrated, tired or disinterested then forget about teaching your baby to talk and pick it up again in a week.
    • 2
      Talk to your baby. When you talk to your baby, look him in the eye and watch his reaction. Some babies will watch your mouth intently and even try to imitate the mouth motions without making a sound at first.
    • 3
      Make your speech slow and distinct. When having heart felt talks with the little one, emphasize one or two important words and move your mouth and tongue slowly and distinctly.
    • 4
      Give the baby an inside look. Babies are interested in where all those wonderful sounds are coming from. That might be why they love to stick their fingers into our mouths. Let them. In fact give them a wide open demonstration making the words with your mouth as wide open as possible. You might want to remove their fingers first.
    • 5
      Repeat their speech patterns, even the babbling, back to them. This shows them that you heard what they were trying to say and understand, at some level. When you initiate the conversation be sure to use real words.
    • 6
      Praise their accomplishments abundantly. Babies pay careful attention to your reaction and when you smile and talk joyfully to them they want to repeat it.

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