Thursday, March 24, 2011

Air di Tokyo tidak selamat untuk bayi

SEORANG lelaki memperoleh air dari sebuah lori tangki di wilayah Chiba, dekat Tokyo semalam.

TOKYO – Pihak berkuasa Jepun menasihati agar bayi tidak diberi minum air paip di bandar raya ini ekoran ia mengandungi tahap radiasi yang tinggi.
Menurut pihak berkuasa, air di loji pemprosesan air bersih untuk kegunaan 13 juta penduduk di sini mengandungi bacaan tahap radioaktif berjumlah 210 becquerel iaitu dua kali ganda melebihi tahap selamat untuk bayi.
Pencemaran itu berpunca daripada kebocoran partikel radioaktif dari beberapa reaktor nuklear loji Fukushima Daiichi yang meletup selepas gempa bumi kuat berukuran 9 pada skala Richter dan tsunami yang melanda timur laut Jepun pada 11 Mac lalu.
“Pencemaran ini adalah kesan langsung dari loji nuklear Fukushima Daiichi,” kata seorang pegawai kerajaan di sini.
Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, penduduk Tokyo termasuk rakyat asing yang bekerja di Jepun berpusu-pusu meninggalkan bandar raya ini sejak hujung minggu lalu ekoran pencemaran radioaktif dalam sumber makanan dan air.
Mereka menaiki kenderaan darat seperti kereta api dan penerbangan menuju ke bandar-bandar di barat Jepun.
Sementara itu angka rasmi mangsa yang maut dalam tragedi tersebut itu setakat ini meningkat kepada 9,199 orang dengan 13,786 lagi masih hilang manakala anggaran kerugian pula mencecah AS$300 bilion (RM907.6 bilion).
Sementara itu, Pentadbiran Dadah dan Makanan Amerika Syarikat (AS) menyatakan ia menghentikan import susu, sayur dan buah-buahan dari empat wilayah di timur laut Jepun yang berada dekat dengan loji nuklear tersebut.
Hong Kong turut mengikut jejak sama dengan mengharamkam import barang tenusu, buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran dan daging dari lima wilayah dekat loji nuklear tersebut.
Para pekerja di loji nuklear yang membekalkan tenaga elektrik itu bertungkus-lumus untuk membaiki sistem penyejukan yang terletak 250 kilometer dari Tokyo. – Agensi

Sumber : Akhbar Kosmo, 23 March 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tips menangani anak merajuk

Bagaimana cara anda menangani kerenah anak yang suka merajuk? memujuk atau memukul? Kalau pukul, gerenti ke dia berhenti merajuk atau makin parah merajuknya. Kalau dipujuk pula, sampai bila nak dipujuk...habis pujuk merajuk balik.... Itulah yang selalu aku alami tentang anak-anak aku berdua ini. Kadang kadang tu pening juga kepala memikirkan cara nak tangani anak yang sedang merajuk. 

Dibandingkan Syifa dan juga Ilham, Sifa lebih senang dipujuk berbanding adiknya. Sekali saja kita panggil nama dia terus datang. Ilham pula, kalau merajuk dengan mama maka mama lah yang kena pujuk. Dia akan menjerit sekuat hati kalau orang lain yang memujuknya. Syifa pula walaupun mudah dipujuk, tetapi suka berkurung dalam bilik dan bertindak mengunci pintu bilik apabila merajuk...emmm...macam mana nak melayan kerenah anak merajuk ni....

Elakkan Dari Anak Merajuk

Sepatutnya kita mesti elakkan anak kita dari merajuk sebelum dia mula merajuk. Maksudnya, cuba penuhi segala kemahuan anak kita. Apa yang dia mahu, apa yang dia minta dan apa yang dia maksudkan. Dengan cara itu kita dapat mengelakkan dia dari merajuk. Bingit telinga kalau anak start berdendang tangisan....

Cuba Kenali Punca Anak Merajuk

Seandainya anak sedang merajuk, cuba selidik apa yang menjadi punca menyebabkan dia merajuk. Tanya anak anda dengan nada lembut dan kasih sayang. Jangan sesekali bertanya dengan kasar atau dengan nada perli. Anak kita sudah boleh memahami apa yang kita maksudkan.

Pujuk Anak Yang Sedang Merajuk

Pujuk lah anak anda yang sedang merajuk dengan sebaik baik pujukan. Elakkan dari terus memarahi, menghukum atau memukul anak anda kerana hal ini akan menambahkan lagi dia merajuk. Lebih teruk lagi, mendatangkan trauma kepada anak tersebut.

Sudah Dipujuk Tetapi Masih Lagi Merajuk....

Jika kita sudah memujuk tetapi anak masih lagi merajuk...biarkan dia seketika. Seperti orang dewasa, kanak-kanak juga memerlukan masa untuk bersendiri untuk menenangkan diri sendiri. Jika dia berada di dalam bilik, biarkan seketika. Mungkin dalam 5 hingga 10 minit. Selepas itu barulah dipujuk semula.

Anak Tetap Berkeras dan Masih Merajuk

Jika sudah sampai ke tahap ini (tak makan saman), cuba suruh orang lain pula untuk memujuk anak anda, bapanya kah, maid ke, kakak, atok atau sesiapa yang dia rasa senang. Macam aku, kucing yang ada dalam rumah ni aku letak dekat anak yang sedang merajuk tu...sure dia cair punya tengok muka kucing tu...mesti dia tak sampai hati nak sepak terajang kucing tu kan....

Jika semua cara masih juga tidak berkesan, tidak salah jika kita menggunakan sedikit kekerasan. Bukannya hendak menakut-nakutkan anak, cuma sekadar mengajar. Iyalah anak kalau dimanjakan dengan keterlaluan nanti akan menjadi 'Anakku Sazali' pulak kan. Selepas keadaan reda, kita kena terangkan pada anak tersebut rasional kita berkeras dengan dia dan apa salah dia agar si anak sedar akan kesalahannya....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Botol susu bayi sekarang dah tak selamat...

Kenapa tunggu 2012 haram botol susu polikarbonat 

PERBEZAAN botol susu diharamkan policarbonate (kanan) dengan botol susu boleh digunakan.
PERBEZAAN botol susu diharamkan policarbonate (kanan) 
dengan botol susu boleh digunakan.

PUTRAJAYA: Mengapa tunggu hingga 2012 jika ia membahayakan? Persoalan yang ditimbulkan berikutan tindakan kerajaan menunggu hingga tempoh itu bagi pengharaman penjualan botol susu bayi polikarbonat yang mengandungi bahan Bisphenol A (BPA) kerana dikhuatiri boleh mengganggu sistem hormon dan tubuh bayi serta kanak-kanak. 

Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, berkata keputusan Kabinet yang dicapai pada 2 Mac lalu itu bertujuan memberi tempoh pada pihak industri membuat persediaan menukar atau membeli mesin serta menggunakan bahan mentah sesuai bagi memenuhi peraturan baru itu.
“Keputusan ini diambil sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga kerana sehingga kini tiada bukti saintifik menunjukkan botol susu polikarbonat yang mengandungi BPA selamat untuk golongan berisiko tinggi khususnya bayi dan kanak-kanak,” katanya pada sidang media di sini, semalam.

Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) dan Kumpulan Gabungan Persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (FOMCA), mempersoalkan tindakan itu dan mendesak kerajaan mengharamkan terus penjualan botol berkenaan. 

Setiausaha Agung PPIM, Datuk Dr Maamor Osman, berkata tindakan kerajaan mengharamkannya pada tahun depan hanya akan menyebabkan lebih ramai bayi dan kanak-kanak berisiko mendapat pelbagai penyakit. 

Pengarah Komunikasi FOMCA, Mohd Yusof Abdul Rahman pula mahu setiap botol susu yang dipasarkan melalui pemeriksaan ketat bagi memastikan penggunaannya tidak membahayakan kesihatan bayi dan kanak-kanak. 

Tiong Lai sebelum itu berkata, kajian terhadap 159 sampel botol susu bayi juga mendapati 85 peratus atau 135 dikesan mengandungi bahan BPA dalam julat 0 hingga 0.7 miligram per kilogram. 
Katanya, kajian Universiti Malaya (UM) pula menunjukkan kadar migrasi sebanyak tujuh kali ganda pada suhu 80 darjah celsius berbanding pada suhu bilik 25 darjah celsius. Kadar migrasi merujuk kepada percampuran bahan BPA itu dengan kandungan botol susu berkenaan pada suhu tertentu. 

“Dalam tempoh setahun ini, pengguna perlu mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga untuk mengurangkan risiko pendedahan kepada migrasi BPA berdasarkan panduan penggunaan botol susu bayi polikarbonat yang disarankan kementerian,” katanya. 

Bagaimanapun, katanya orang ramai boleh bertindak awal dengan menukar penggunaan botol susu bebas BPA mengikut kemampuan masing-masing. 

Beliau berkata, pengharaman ini selaras tindakan sama yang diambil beberapa negara antaranya Jerman, Perancis, Denmark, Kanada, Australia, New Zealand dan Kesatuan Eropah. 

Justeru, beliau menasihatkan orang ramai yang menggunakan botol susu bayi polikarbonat supaya mematuhi arahan pengendalian dan mengelak menggunakan air panas secara terus ketika membancuh susu, selain menggunakan peralatan mencuci botol sesuai bagi mengelakkan permukaan dalam botol rosak serta bercalar. 

Orang ramai yang ingin mendapatkan maklumat lanjut boleh menghubungi Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kualiti Makanan di talian 03-88833652/3653/3655 atau melayari laman web atau 

INFO: Bisphenol A (BPA) 
- Bahan kimia industri yang digunakan dalam penghasilan botol susu bayi polikarbonat 
- Boleh menyebabkan gangguan kepada sistem hormon sekali gus mengganggu sistem fungsi tubuh bayi 
- Botol susu bayi bebas BPA biasanya dilabel `bebas BPA' pada bahagian bawah botol. 
- Botol susu bayi polikarbonat yang mengandungi BPA bersifat keras dan lutsinar 
- Ia boleh dikenal pasti melalui kod identifikasi plastik yang biasa didapati di bawah botol susu bayi. 
- Kod terbabit ialah nombor 7, nombor 7 dan PC, nombor 7 dan `other' 
- Alternatif botol susu bayi di pasaran ialah yang diperbuat daripada polypropylene (PP), polyethersulfone (PES), polyamides (PA) dan kaca. 

INFO: Panduan pengendalian botol susu bayi polikarbonat: 

  • Steril botol susu bayi mengikut arahan pengendalian pada label atau yang diberikan oleh pengeluar, jika ada. 

  • Jika tiada panduan, pengguna perlu merendam botol susu bayi polikarbonat dalam air yang mendidih selama lima hingga 10 minit. 

  • Elak menggunakan air panas secara terus dalam botol susu bayi polikarbonat untuk membancuh susu. 

  • Guna peralatan mencuci botol susu yang sesuai seperti span dan berus lembut bagi mengelakkan permukaan dalam menjadi rosak dan bercalar. 

  • Sentiasa periksa permukaan dalam botol susu dan jika ada kesan calar atau rosak, ia perlu diganti. 

  • Jika tiada kerosakan, botol susu perlu diganti setiap enam bulan.

    Sumber :
  • Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    How to Make your Baby Happy

    Babies are curious little people. They spend most of their time learning about the things around them. Since they learn through experience, their childhood can shape the adults that they are going to be. Happy babies become happy adults. Neglected children grow into cynical adults because they believe that nobody would bother to pay attention to them.
    Keeping your baby happy takes more than just looking for toys and other stuff that will attract his or her attention and keep him or her busy. You need to be attentive to your baby’s every needs as well as spend as much time with him or her as you can.
    Listening to distress signals
    One of the many ways to keep your baby happy is by paying close attention to what your baby needs to express – whether it’s delight or discomfort, you need to respond accordingly. Babies cannot go and prepare a sandwich on their own when they’re hungry. They are dependent on adults around them to prepare their meals. Crying is his only way of telling you that it’s time for a snack. Just imagine how cranky you can get when you haven’t had lunch yet. The same rule applies to babies.
    Taking proper care of your baby will keep him happy. They are happy when they are comfortable. Make sure that his diaper is clean and dry, keep him warm when the temperature gets cold and find ways to cool him down in the summer.
    Let him move
    While baby chairs, swings and jumpers can be convenient for parents who have other chores around the home, it’s also important for a baby’s motor development to let him be on the mat or on the floor. Let him move around freely so he can exercise his legs, back and arms. Just make sure that your home is baby-proof especially during stages when the baby is already learning to crawl and walk.
    Hanging out with him
    Babies like to be heard and appreciated. When someone bothers to listen to them, they become more confident. Take the time to hang out with your baby – play with him or talk to him often so he learns how it feels to have someone to depend on.
    Talking to your baby helps improve his cognitive and language skills. Even when you don’t have the least idea what he’s talking about, listen to him like you understand what he’s saying. Respond actively. Tell him what you’re doing while you’re doing it. This will help him create a connection between the words and the actions.
    Don’t sweat it
    When you put too much pressure on yourself to follow baby rules, your child can actually feel it. Taking care of your baby and making him happy doesn’t depend on doing everything perfectly. Remember that parenting is a work in progress. Sometimes, all you need to do is have fun with your baby and enjoy the moments you have with him or her and that should be enough for the baby to feel loved and nurtured. So relax and have fun. Your baby will grow up in no time so make sure you enjoy every moment while your baby is still a baby!
    More parenting tips for new moms and dads at

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    How to Teach a Baby to Talk

    Each day your baby is learning new things and you are there to see every blessed moment. Those new babbling sounds may not seem like much in the way of language, but if you listen with a sensitive ear, you will hear your baby trying to imitate sounds that you make back to you. Here is how to encourage baby's natural instinct to communicate.


      • 1
        Let your baby lead the way. Most experts agree that you can push intellectual learning too fast which may result in emotional or even physical problems like stuttering, which is the opposite of what you want to accomplish. If the baby seems frustrated, tired or disinterested then forget about teaching your baby to talk and pick it up again in a week.
      • 2
        Talk to your baby. When you talk to your baby, look him in the eye and watch his reaction. Some babies will watch your mouth intently and even try to imitate the mouth motions without making a sound at first.
      • 3
        Make your speech slow and distinct. When having heart felt talks with the little one, emphasize one or two important words and move your mouth and tongue slowly and distinctly.
      • 4
        Give the baby an inside look. Babies are interested in where all those wonderful sounds are coming from. That might be why they love to stick their fingers into our mouths. Let them. In fact give them a wide open demonstration making the words with your mouth as wide open as possible. You might want to remove their fingers first.
      • 5
        Repeat their speech patterns, even the babbling, back to them. This shows them that you heard what they were trying to say and understand, at some level. When you initiate the conversation be sure to use real words.
      • 6
        Praise their accomplishments abundantly. Babies pay careful attention to your reaction and when you smile and talk joyfully to them they want to repeat it.

    Shop you can get many toys for your kids...

    Baby First Ball - Elmo & Zoe Home Run
    CODE: TY31Price: RM10.00

    Baby First Ball - Mickey & Minnie
    CODE: TY32Price: RM10.00

    Barney Plush Toy
    CODE: TY57Price: RM29.00


    Aquadoodle Draw 'n Doodle Mat - Elmo's World

    Price: RM39.00

    Product Description

    Check out the no-mess magic! It's the activity toy for active, creative toddlers that allows them to make great art, over and over again - without the mess! Kids can stamp or draw using the pen-like holder filled with water. After 20 seconds the area dries and the color disappears.  The water-based Aquadoodle drawing tools are non-toxic and ink free allowing your child to play in a safe and clean environment.
    • 1 Aqua Pen
    • Drawing mat size approx 80cm in diameter
    • Lots of drawing space
    • Pen's and mat's Color may vary
    • Tactile and easy to store!  Roll it, fold it and take it to go.  All Aquadoodle items are uniquely designed for convenient easy storage, at home or on the go.
    • received numerous award such as Australian Toy Fair 2004 - Activity Toy of The Year,  Creative Child Magazine - "Preferred Choice Award"
    • recommended for age 2 years and up
    • pls be noted that this item is ex-stock from manufacturer.  Drawing mat might have minor defects but it won't affect normal usage.  Avoid contact with oily items.  If contacted with oily items, hand wash with water only.  Buyers who are particular about this pls do not order.
    • product is packed with simple poly bag without box

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    Baby development : Watch Them Grow

    Charting your baby's development can be a fun way to watch her grow, especially if you use a scrapbook system to keep track of all the changes. From first smile to first prom, parents who scrapbook their children's lives are doing more than keeping watch; they're providing their children with a record of their early years.

    Our bodies work all the time, but we rarely grow in a steady fashion. Instead, you'll see that your child has an occasional growth spurt in between times of relatively slow changes. Your pediatrician compares your child's growth to charts with percentiles; you can find charts like this online if you want to mark your child's progress in relation to the norm. But if you're just planning to chart your baby's growth as a fun hobby, you don't need to worry about percentiles.

    1. When babies are born, they are measured in length and weight in pounds or kilograms. You can measure your baby's head to toe length with a tape measure each month, or even draw an outline of your child on poster board. On the outline, note any developmental changes such as new teeth, behaviors such as babbling, or sleeping through the night. Charting these milestones will help you create a fully dimensional picture of your child's infancy.

    2. Use a digital camera to take pictures of your baby at regular intervals, noting changes in facial expressions and hair growth. Paste the photos to poster board, label with month and year and add notes about play dates, activities, your baby's reaction to snow or yogurt or dogs.

    3. The stages of you child's life pass by quickly! Keep pairs of worn-out baby shoes and make a shadow box to store and display them.

    4. Use baby footprint or handprint kits to make molds of your child's hands and feet, then use the molds to create garden stepping stones or wall art.

    5. Chart your baby's artistic life by keeping the scribblings, drawings and collages made by your child. If you're lucky enough to wind up with magic marker on your refrigerator or wall, take a photo before cleaning the marks away. Keep the photos and other artworks in a special scrapbook.

    Source :

    When Can My Baby Start Drinking Water?

    The answer to this question is "yes". The answer is also "no"! The full answer is that, like all human beings, babies do need to take in water in order to survive.

    But they don't actually need to drink water—in fact, pediatricians advise against giving your baby plain or distilled water until he or she is six months old. Babies get their water needs met by drinking breastmilk or formula, both of which are mostly water.
    The reason your doctor will tell you not to feed your baby plain water is that it's easy to fill up an infant's stomach; a few little ounces will do the job. Babies should be filling up on nourishment—getting the nutrients they need from each feeding.

    Once your baby has been teething, he or she will need fluoride to support thenew teeth, so giving drinking water is a good way to meet that need. But until then, let your baby get water in his or her usual feedings of mother's milk or formula.
    If your baby is running a temperature, your pediatrician may advise you to give him or her more liquids. Usually, your doctor will suggest a liquid like Pedialyte, which contains nutrients to restore the balance of your child's electrolytes. Again, don't give your infant water instead of other liquids unless the doctor advises it.

    Source :

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Baby Tips for Teething

    Below are some baby tips for teething. Teething on your baby will a major part or painful part of your babies first year of life. All babies go through the process of growing teeth and it’s easier for some babies then others. There are many signs of teething and it can even wake your baby up at night with crying and grabbing for their mouth.
    Teething Tips
    If you are having trouble with Baby Teething, try using baby orajel on your babies gums and teeth. There is also a product for baby orajel at night. This can temporary relieve your babies teething pain and put them back to sleep. However, many babies will not like the taste of orajel. A good product is baby teething tablets which will dissolve in your babies mouth and help them with their teething. With our babies, we decided to surround them with tons of teething toys to help me chew on the toys as opposed to their hands! Chewing on the teething toys is much better than your baby chewing on toys that aren’t meant for teething and could cause them more pain or have your baby end up crying from biting a toy that is not meant for teething. If your baby is in a lot of pain from teething and you can’t get your baby to sleep because they are consistently grabbing their mouth, drooling, and swishing around with their teeth, you can try some tylenol to relieve the pain and hopefully get you and your baby some sleep.
    Teething is never easy, but with the proper products and consistency, you can limit the effect on you and your baby and it make it a little easier for your baby as their teeth start to develop in their mouth.
    Good luck with your teething toys, teething tablets, and orajel and hopefully your baby has no problems with the introduction of his/her new teeth!

    Getting Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night

    Every parent has had those sleepless nights where baby just won’t settle down. Unfortunately, a lot of parents go through this every night.
    Whether you stay at home with your baby, or you leave the house to work during the day, endless nights of waking up around the clock will eventually wear you down.
    You’ll get exhausted, moody and won’t be able to even think straight! Or maybe this already sounds familiar to you.
    Most parents suffer from sleep deprivation at some point. Its just part of parenthood. Even those lucky enough to have babies who are good sleepers eventually have to deal with getting their toddlers to stay in bed.
    What gets really frustrating is reading so much conflicting information about getting your baby to sleep through the night. But what you must understand is that every baby is different, so not every sleeping method works. That’s why there are so many different opinions out there. But I’m not here to give you an opinion or tell you what to do. I’m just going to tell you exactly what I did to get my son to sleep through the night.

    How I got my son to sleep through the night

    First, you have to understand that I only breastfed my son until he was seven weeks old. I had to have surgery shortly after he was born and couldn’t breastfeed for a few days. I tried hard to pump and keep my milk supply up, but I finally had to stop torturing myself and my son and start feeding him formula.
    A few weeks after that, he started sleeping through the night. What also happened at the same time is I started putting him down awake (breastfeeding would always put him to sleep). At just over 2 months, I was sure that it wouldn’t work, but to my surprise it did.
    The trick was to put him down at the precise moment he started to get sleepy. I watched him like a hawk and eventually I could tell when he looked tired. His eyes would get red around the rims and they would start to look heavy. This was the only sign. Occasionally he would yawn, but his eyes would give him away sooner.
    I had always read to watch for babies rubbing their eyes when they were tired, but neither of my babies did that until they were a little older.
    I had also read to create a bed-time routine, but I have yet to do that with my son and he’s now 8 months at the time of writing this. My daughter didn’t have a bed-time routine established until she was almost a year old. So far, both my children have been excellent sleepers.

    Why does it work?

    Now, you may be wondering how putting a baby down when he’s awake will help him sleep through the night. Here’s my thoughts from experience. When a baby is put down after they are asleep, they’ll eventually stir and will probably wake up. If they aren’t being held in your arms anymore, they might get upset and want to be back in your arms. So they’ll cry until they are.
    If you put them down while they’re awake and they fall asleep on their own, they won’t be startled when they wake up because they’ll be right where they were before they fell asleep.
    Of course, I have no idea what goes on inside a baby’s head – so this is just what I think, not what I know. I do however know that when my babies were put down awake, they slept through the night more than they did if they were put down already asleep. They also slept longer into the next morning which is sure nice. The better they sleep at night, the better they nap during the day. And the better they nap during the day, the better they sleep at night.
    If my son does happen to wake up in the night, I usually just put his pacifier back in his mouth and he falls right back to sleep. Some mothers may want to crucify me for this, but hey – it works! He’s happy, healthy, and well rested. (And so am I!)
    Getting your baby to sleep through the night probably won’t happen in one day, so here are a few things to think about to keep you sane during those sleepless nights:
    Listen to your instincts. Remember you know your baby best. Take all advice you get as what it is, advice. Never let it replace your own personal judgment. You know your baby best and only YOU know what’s really right for him. If it feels right to rock your baby to sleep, then do it. If it feels right to bring your baby into bed with you then do it.
    Stop the guilt. Don’t take it personally. A lot of us suddenly feel instant guilt when our baby cries. Are we doing the right thing? Does she need feeding? Is his diaper wet?And on and on…
    Comfort them. Remember your baby could be crying for a number of reasons and some are out of your control. Did you know that babies are born with the crying reflex but not the laughing reflex? Well they are… it’s instinctive for babies to cry. We’re going back to primitive times. Babies cry to have their needs met. Sometimes those needs are just to simply cry it out for a bit while feeling the warmth and comfort of their most loved person … you!
    Become an expert. Go online or to the library and read a few books on baby sleep and sleep patterns. Arm yourself with all the knowledge that you can so that when others come your way offering advice you can politely say you know exactly what you’re doing.
    Whatever you decide, the main thing to remember is that sleepless nights are part of having a baby. Do what feels best for you and remember that this is a normal phase of your baby’s development and will soon end. Those tiny little treasures will soon be running all over the house creating havoc. So enjoy each precious moment (even if its a sleepless one) as much as you can, because it sure doesn’t last long.